Stress Relief

There are so many causes of stress in todays world! Too much to do at work, kids being a handful, bills arriving non-stop, relationship issues, traumatic life events, to name a few!

On top of this there are internal factors that can lead to stress. Fear and uncertainty in the world, attitudes and perceptions, major changes, unrealistic expecations.

They all effect everyone, and to different degrees.

Constant exposure to a stressful environment can have a damaging effect on your health. Your lifestyle, working environment or study schedule may mean you are constantly exposed to unavoidable stressful situations. When continually placed under high levels of stress, you may need support to help get you through the challenges you face.

Generally speaking there are three recognised categories:

Nutritional stress – nutritional stress relates to the stresses placed upon our bodies when we don’t eat the correct food and drink. There are countless studies showing how stress depletes the body’s nutrients.

Emotional and mental stress – the way in which we think will have an impact on the functioning of major organs. There are many examples of this – the varying bodily symptoms when asked to speak in public, job interviews etc.

Physical stress – physical stress involves structural stress due to accidents or injury, poor posture and constant pain. Measures in which we can reduce physical stress include supplementation with natural medicines to reduce inflammation and pain.

How to relieve stress

There are many things you can do to fight stress however you will need to be proactive. The following recommendations can help you manage stress better.

  • Consider correcting nutritional imbalances. For example, low vitamin D levels, low essential fatty acids and low magnesium levels are not as uncommon as you may think.
  • Vitamin D can be gotten without sunshine from supplements, essential fatty acids from fish, nuts and seeds or from supplements like EFA Krill. Magnesium is commonly found in dairy products.
  • Follow a ‘clean’ diet that is low in starchy carbohydrates and sugar and high in protein as it can provide sustained energy. High sugar diets can cause fluctuations in your energy levels that can leave you feeling tired and stressed.
  • Fibres and probiotics help your body process and eliminate waste, helping to alleviate this aspect of nutritional or dietary stress
  • Regular exercise is essential for mental and physical wellbeing and can do wonders for reducing stress; aim to exercise daily for at least 30 minutes.
  • Acupuncture and reflexology are two treatments that are great at reducing levels of stress. If you’re in Melbourne, we recommend Utopia Health Care and Reflexology Melbourne.
  • Incorporate some form of yoga, meditation or breathing exercises into your weekly routine. This not only relaxes mind and body but can improve your ability to deal with stress.
  • Sleep is absolutely necessary for optimal brain functioning. Aim for an average of eight hours sleep every day.
  • Warm baths with Lavender Essential Oil or DeStress Essential Oil Blend and regular massages with quality essential oils can all assist with the management of stress.
  • Traditional herbal solutions such as Ginecity contains ingredients to support your body’s resistance to stress.